

  • Maternity – medical services are provided in conjunction with a community midwife. 
  • Child Health Surveillance/Immunisation – held in conjunction with our health visitor.  

Practice Nurse/ Nurse Practitioner 

  • Asthma/COPD
  • Ageing Well
  • Diabetes
  • BP Monitoring
  • Sexual Health
  • Family Planning – contraception/implants/IUCD and advice.
  • Minor Illness -  coughs and colds, sore throats, rashes, new skin conditions, minor injuries like  bites, burns, sprains and strains, ear/eye infections, urinary problems and back ache.
  • Cervical Smears  - and other gynaecological services.
  • Smoking Cessation - advice is provided and you can also contact the NHS line on 0845 601 3116. 
  • Minor Surgery – for skin lesions, tags, small lumps.
  • Health Checks – for babies, children, mothers and over 45’s.
  • Physiotherapy
  • Joint Injections

Community Services held at WFHC

Child health, Baby Clinics, Speech Therapy, Counselling and the Dental Surgery.

Travel Vaccinations

If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.


Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.